Thoughts Over Time

Life, Science and Everything Else!

Osama Bin Liberty – Wer dd allz teh Humanz Ritez goezzz?

So tell me, why do we have the International Criminal Court? As far as I’ve been informed it was put in place to deal with war criminals and crimes against humanity. Last time I checked my dictionary – terrorism was a crime against humanity and in the case of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladin’s terrorist dealings – this is exactly the type of thing they should have been dealing with. Not to mention the violation of human rights. Now, before I continue – I’d liek to state I don’t condone terrorism nor support Al Qaeda in any shape or form, but I do support and believe in human rights. Regardless of his actions – Osama Bin Ladin was a human. He had a very warped and screwed up perception and world view – but none the less – he still had all the same rights as you me and everyone else. There is no clause in United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)[ that states a person can lose their rights if they commit crimes of any calibre.

So why is it – that we make exceptions to the rule and just straight out murder him? Say what you will – but I’m damn sure the USA is far more equiped to deal with the scenario that unfolded at Osama’s compound back in May. So its either down to a “kill on sight” order – or a serious lack of training in the Navy SEALS. I have a lot of respect for military personel, but it doesn’t mean I think they are trained to be the status of Elite if they have jumpy trigger fingers. Now, I’m not saying I can think of anyone who would be better – I’m just saying that the government in America needs to grow a pair of balls and just admit they fucked up. Sure they killed Osama and some of his associates that day, I can’t say it was a bad thing for the world – but it still was a breach of human rights as well as a major punch in the balls to the ICC’s purpose of existance. We brought the Nazi’s to trial? They affected and murdered millions of more people and commited one of the largest attrocities in our human history. He wasn’t exactly a threat, he as one man, is not a threat to anyone, no more than any other elderly person with kidney issues. Sure his ideals and his influences had the potential to do unforseen levels of damage – and we saw a very good example of his crimes with the attack on US soil on September 11th 2001, but it still stands to reason that the only way a concept like Human Rights can work, is if we adhere to our commitment to it and uphold it even when the masses say otherwise. Elsewise it just becomes an buerocractic tool to let politics slide when they wish and then enforce it with extreme prejudice when it suits. It seems to me that this world has gotten the fucked up idea that only innocent people have Human Rights. Now Osama is only an example of this breach, many people everyday have their Rights infringed upon. Regardless of their gender, race, political or religious affiliations – it happens on a daily basis. It doesn’t make it any more okay just because ‘everyone does it’. It makes it more worrying to the point that we are past the stage of just letting minor things slide – but now we are starting to see this double standard come out all the time.

Anyone who becomes a public enemy these days automatically is subscribed to a different set of Human Rights. Funny enough though everyone seems to be aware of this big fucking elephant in the room – but nobody will point it out. Its a sad world when you look at the news and see an entire city celebrating the death of a human. Just because the person did a lot of harm and caused a lot of pain doesn’t mean you should celebrate his death. Regardless the person – regardless if them being dead is a better thing for humanity, what is wrong with everyone that they can’t just be happy that their friends, relatives, co-workers etc – have been avenged. You can be content with something without having a street rave. Imagine how the World’s reaction would go if it were the opposite. Let’s say the US President was attacked and killed and on the TV we see the Al Qaeda supporters cheering and celebrating. It would fuel our anger of our loss. We would complain and kick and whinge about it. But this is all looking at events from an impartial perspective. I personally feel the world is a marginally safer world now he is gone, but personally I would just prefer if they worked things out in a democratic method and things worked with more understanding and compassion rather than motivated by greed and reputation.

The political systems of the world are flawed for one pure reason. They are all built and maintained with methods that rely to much on social exchange, image, status and wealth. So until people stop doing political favors for eachother, (vote rigging, bribes, intimidation and black mail etc) , we are doomed to live in a world where the only god that truly exists is wealth and the devil is poverty.

A few clarifications: This essay was written from a neutral perspective of the big picture. You may not agree with what I say and have other ideas and perspectives, thats fine, enjoy them, but do not take anything I have said here as insult or compliment towards any of the parties I have discussed such as the UN, USA, Europe,Islam,Al Qaeda or The US Military. The opinions in this article do not reflect that of the author (me). I encourage comments and discussions but I do not encourage trolls nor entertain their comments. Thanks for reading 😉


June 12, 2011 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, Politics | Leave a comment

Is it really just this simple?

So the human mind…memory…thoughts…ideas…dreams….why don’t we understand these things. Why is it that we can make a map of the universe but we can’t seem to figure out how our brains seem to work. Okay we know several things, we know that they are working in paralell – passing information between themselves in certain patterns, where memories are formed and what process happens during the formation … we know how the brain interprets the signals from the eye and the manner in which it converts it into a lovely high resolution image from us to navigate by, so why can’t we figure out about what or where that little spark happens that is human thought.

What I figure is we are just extremely efficient organic ‘machines’. Now I don’t mean we are all robots – I mean we are mechanical in how we work. In other words – I believe that just like a car – our functions and composure can be fully explained and there is none of this mystical stuff that people call the soul or even that the mind is anything intangible.

If you look at your computer – you can see all the information on the screen, the words, the colors , the pictures. But none of these images actually exist inside the computer or anywhere else for that matter (other than other computer monitors). So this information only exists as 1’s and 0’s on a hard drive. Thats not an impossible method for the brain to work either – I mean the computer interprets the positioning of your mouse for example purely by mathematical process – rather than ‘looking’ at where it is now and ‘seeing’ where you move the mouse on the mousepad to work it out.

Frogs - they can dance too!

Filing, Dancing - what can't they do!

Lets use our brains awesome ability to think of impossible scenarios and ideas to do a little thought experiment. Take a lake of any size you like, and

populate it with lilly pads, on each lilly pad is a frog who sorts files and passes them between eachother. Now lets assume each frogs folder for filing can only hold a maximum of 100 files. Now lets understand that when a frog moves and shuffles around on his lilly pad – he’s making ripples in the water. Now when these frogs start filing they tend to work in certain pattern based on the weather.

Okay now lets just remember this is a thought experiement to explain my concept 🙂 I know frogs don’t tend to do filling out on the lake…Now each frog depending on the pattern they are working in – will exchange files appropriately with neighbouring frogs. As each frog files away a page or passes it to another – he’s making ripples – these ripples are standing in for the electrochemical signal that we in the real world, monitor to determine the state or activity of a brain cell.

As they pass information between eachother depending on the weather, which paralells simple situational input. That is to say rainy windy weather vs sunny calm weather. Each different weather pattern will cause different work patterns in the frogs in the same way that different sensory input to humans causes various patterns of neruactivity. Now lets assume these pages are abstract representations with different shapes and sizes and colors, smells and textures and even have unique sounds when they crumple. Each page is a packet of sensory data.The data is random but it is tagged and

The brain's innerworkings.

This is how neurons connect to eachother.

associated with similar pages in this filing process. They can be assembled again to recreate the full memory – however paper degrades and will decay with moisture (water) and how I figure the brain forgets things is of a similar idea.

If you take it that each brain cell has a certain capacity of axons and dendrites it can support – then lets assume that the memories are ‘stored’ in these connections. Now if a connection doesn’t recieve much activity – it will start to degrade and eventually become broken – ie that part of the memory or detail no longer exists. Now all you need to have is inside each neuron – an indexing like function – purely storing a copy of the protein that formed that specific dendrite or axon. The reason for the index is because the neuron needs a way of knowing which connections he currently has open and which are non-existant. So now each neuron knows exactly what he’s connected to and what types of information go where – we also have a method in which unused memories can fade and replenish the neurons capacity to create new memorys.

So if you see the paralells in our hypothetical brain – the functions between the frogs on the lake – are the exact same as the concepts of how I suppose the brain works. This however brings me to the idea that our mind and thoughts and ability to compose intricate ideas as well as be self aware – is purely just a result of a massive amount of information passing through a highly efficient system – designed to do exactly what it does. Survive. Our entire body is a vehicle for our brain – we have muscles to move our arms so we can gather resources to put into our ‘vehicle’ to give it fuel to make our bodies go. Thats a well known fact – but the point is our bodies are tools of our brains – which in itself is only doing what it does because if it didn’t – it would be dead.

Now thats the beauty of evolution – the reason we all live and work ect – is because all the people ever born whos brains decided to just not work continously – were never living , especially not long enough to reproduce. So that type of behaviour or function of the brain could never evolved. Nothing can evolve to die at birth which is an obvious statement. Its common sense.

If you think of it like this – our brain is just a bunch of cells who are working in a continous loop and our awareness and apparent self awareness are all just illusions created by the massive movement and processing of mass amounts of data – which is only required to allow our brain to continue its existance. This to me makes life and humans all the more interesting because we are just products of years of highly efficient optimization.

To be honest – the whole idea might seem a little odd or nonsensical – but I challenge you to come up with a sounder argument that accurately depicts the processes of the mind. I’m sure you will find that its difficult to come up with a concept that doesn’t explain a self prepetuating machine thats only purpose is to gain experiences.

🙂 Probably my randomest article but my opinions stand 🙂


May 28, 2011 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, Psychology, Science | Leave a comment

AI: Why its going to ruin my life!

I’m not sure if I’m the only person who sees this for what it is. I can’t be, but it seems it sometimes. In my last article I wrote about the glamors of Artificial Intelligence(AI), but upon pondering a while longer I have come to realize that it will be the demise of culture and civilization as we know it.

If I have the ability to generate a fully visualized world where I can attain any material object or experience any lifestyle, living as anybody I choose or inhabit my world with computer controlled clones of individuals of my choosing.

I see several troublesome scenarios:

Firstly let us assume I have the money and means to purchase the required equipment and pay the necessary fees to avail of the current ‘hottest’ virtual tech.

I wake up in the morning, I get up and do the usual routine of washing up and having my shower, I then slip into some comfy tracksuit bottoms with nanotechnology integrated into every square nanometer of the material. This tech is monitoring my vitals, keeping my insurance and medical services up to date with my body’s condition on a need to know basis.
I eat my breakfast that has been prepared perfectly to fit my body’s current needs and designed to fit my genetic profile, thus giving me the exact required nutrients I need.

I go to my virtual reality node or pod or whatever it is that I would use to connect to the virtual world.

I jack in and I go to my virtual office space and work for several hours. At clocking out time, I decide to log on to my favorite RPG, the latest Star Wars game whichever it will be.

My character awakens from their resting place, I’m now in a world of infinite size in which I have the full ability to do whatever I wish.

Now because I know its a game and has no real effect on my external reality, I know I’m free to murder,rape and pillage to my hearts content without suffering any real consequences.

I also may just decide to flick on ‘God Mode’ and go on a massacre, after all, they are just made up of bits and bytes right? 1s and 0s? But what happens when this indistinguishable world with its indistinguishable experience has a psychologically immersible effect in my external reality?

What happens when I log out of my world where I am technically a God within the computer system.

I walk outside and without a thought, I attack and maim someone, because I’ve learned a new behavior and habit to attack anyone who might be about to pull out a gun or what I perceive to be the revelation of a weapon.

Will it get to a stage where people will lose the ability to discern between realities?

How about if I decide to live in a ‘perfect’ world. When I say perfect, I define it as being a world that matches my routine and lifestyle perfectly, not a world without opposition or without balance, but just a world tailored to my fancy, green neon sky, everything is edible and tastes great, people walk around naked without a bother for embarrassment (because its comfortable), my favorite superheroes and movie characters live right around the corner, I can experience the mental effect of any drug without ever putting my body at risk. I can do ANYTHING I wish, none of it costing me a penny more than the cost of running the computer and or fees to use the software to connect to my virtual world.

How about if I decided to connect my body up to an automated life support system and live in this virtual world permanently? The ultimate in escapism fantasy! Its perfectly possible and even likley that one fool will try such a thing!

Moving away from the personal catastrophies that would result, the reduction in culture, the binding force that holds societies together, the thing that makes you and your neighbor and community members feel that sense of togetherness. The feeling of a country united in spirit will soon disappear. People will migrate to these worlds while culture becomes extinct.

Now, you might say, ‘We can regulate the usage’ or ‘We can decide what people can and can’t experience and the time they can spend inside these worlds’ – not a chance, you guys will be the first to go 🙂

How do you regulate something that can be easily manipulated. You are the same fools who think that electronic piracy prevention is enough to foil counter fitters. In reality – the internet is not a place of censorship, it is ridden with websites that glorify propagate illegal, sickening, racist, violent or political/religious bullshit and fills the world wide web with an eternal cache of the worlds weirdest shit.

“What happens on the internet – will stay on the internet”

The main fear I have is that we will all become consumerist slobs who live the lives of a mook, only really living for the next big fad or the coolest new gadget, completely forgeting about indivuality and the fact that culture and society matter as a corner stone of human civilization.

Yes, culture and society can evolve, but what happens when an organisim can’t evolve at the desired rate to survive? They go extinct. If we create super-intelligent machines, that can defy the logic of our greatest minds, that can compute and improve themselves or ”evolve” at whatever rate they desire and even more to the point, at an infinite rate! If we can’t adapt and find a way to keep up then we will find ourselves on the recieving end of some asswhopping by a superior intellect that will cause the human race to fall back to insignificant numbers and eventually – blip…nothing!

Other than that though, it is going to be so awesome 😀

Just a thought!

November 12, 2010 Posted by | Geek Stuff, Interesting Thoughts, Science | Leave a comment

AI Industries and How to Fix the World!

So what do I want out of life. What can I do that will make me feel like my time on this mad planet was worth something? I could get really rich and life the great life, have my kids to grow up, privileged and never in want, my wife so pleased and happy with her life, fulfilled for bagging a rich guy…or I could put years of my life into a gamble on what might be one of the biggest discoveries of the human race.

Think about it. Wipe out every last charity organization, every last fat cat banker out of business and every hospital, financial institution, educational edifice and every little part of the governments attempts to garnish their paychecks and line their expensive pockets.

If I put my time and effort into it – and I had the luck on my side to be part of the research, be King Arthur retrieving the sword from the stone, I could change the world. Lease my technology to governments and companies under strict contract, use the funding to buyout the worlds health systems, education systems and fix the worlds poverty issue.

Remove the bullshit from corporate process and put hospitals, educational systems and humanitarianism. Create artificial computers to teach the less privileged with top level and personalized teaching. Have top quality medical care in some of the most poorest regions of the world. Supply aid and rehabilitation units to raise communities and help them all achieve self sustainability and a stable economy.

Make homelessness and high-earnings a thing of the past. I’m not talking about communism, but the law won’t protect the rich man and dump on the working man. You can earn what you want but there will be equal and fair treatment. Scientific Research and Medical Research will take off like a greyhound since live testing on animals and humans will be redundant next to state of the art simulations from clusters of computers using AI to work through the simulations.

Everyday life will be changed on such a rapid basis, the common cold, cancer, HIV and all most all known current ailments and illnesses will be cured or treatable. Entertainment will take on a whole new level with fully immersive virtual reality. Unemployment will be a thing of the past and there will be jobs available for the qualified and education available for those desiring to become qualified.

Drug and Alcohol addiction will be fully immunized in the human genome through the use of genetic modification. This will allow humans to ingest or use any form of drug with the full positive effects and zero negative affects and a 0% chance of addiction. The human body will be equipped to cope with the toxic chemicals through the use of nanobots. These little molecular sized robots will exist inside the body sustaining of the bodies natural energy supply, glucose, and work to rid the body of toxins and foreign body’s effectively giving the human race an enhanced immune system.

While the benefits of this technology are great its not without its flaws and abuses. Nations creating army’s of autonomous intelligent killing machines, the use of intelligent machines to commit various crimes of fraud and other such illegal activities. The human race is not yet ready for such technology and would need to revise the entire legal system aswell as a constant ongoing evaluation of the possibility of robots becoming conscious sentient beings or not and if so what rights do they gain and their place in society.

Will they rise up and oppress us, using their vast intelligence and numbers to overwhelm us? How much do we integrate them into our worlds framework? Will they be restricted to licensed use or disallowed because of their unlimited and very dangerous potential?
I’m not sure – but I know that someone sometime will discover it – and I just hope they have the foresight and common sense to see its potential and its danger.


September 12, 2010 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts | Leave a comment

A picture is worth around 10 words...after all it IS recession :P

I can't find fault in this reasoning

July 1, 2010 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts | Leave a comment

Interesting Thought #4: Is the Future and Past – Just an illusion?

Okay – so I’ve been thinking. A lot 🙂 My life, your life and the existence of EVERYTHING!

A lot of people feel they have a choice in life. They sit there most of their time thought – regretting the bad choices they made and spending months in some cases, trying to place the blame to shed their guilt – or even just a couple of hours trying to understand a recent event and how they could have done things differently.

Why? Is it one of the problems with consciousness and higher thought? I think its actually just a matter of perception. We are always in a state of trying to think a head – out think ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’. We constantly analyse the past looking to find every error we made so we don’t make the same one again. In reality though – we are back logged. We make so many mistakes so frequently that we don’t have enough time to reconsider them. Plus we go through so many different scenarios in our mind of how the one event could have played out.

If we could see the future though, a definite future, would we be any happier? The temptation to look is too strong – since we all want that bit of control over our lives so saying ”I’ll only look when I need to look but that’s bullshit.

I know if I could see my definite future – I’d be looking to it as much as I look at the past. I spend hours of my day – at least half of my waking hours are spent thinking of everything that comes to mind that is half interesting.

Things I Think About

  • The location and composure of the human mind.
  • The size of the universe and what possible other life forms could exist besides carbon-based (every life form of earth is carbon based)
  • How humans could evolve and how they could have evolved differently
  • Alternate ways society could develop
  • Z-Day (Zombie Apocolypse)
  • When I cross the road I like to imagine I have telekinesis or mind control in case a driver might hit me – not a delusional thing just day dreaming
  • Martial Arts and the physics behind it – nerve strikes and grappling etc.
  • Past Relationships
  • Future Relationships
  • Who my possible wife might be and what she is currently doing and where she is in the world
  • Batman
  • Personal Life Events in the past
  • Friendships and Relationships and how things are going and possibly play out in current events
  • The Future – Technology, Society, Religion and Evolution
  • Alien Life
  • Existence and God
  • Batman

So as you can see my head – like most peoples – is running through thousands of thoughts per hour concocting various simulated scenarios and thinking of endless possibilities.

So the past is pretty obvious – as far as we know we can verify it has happened – that is – outside the belief of solipsism – and the future seems to be pretty much set in stone.

Humans can perceive 3½ dimensions. Length, Height and Width.

Taken from Wikipedia

This is a graphic example of the four spatial dimensions

Now if we consider what a dimension is and what the fourth dimension represents – we can say that a dimension is a physical location on a single plane in space-time. How is time a dimension like length or height or width? Simple really.

Well Maybe 🙂

Each lower dimension will make up the dimension previous to it. As you can see two objects in the ‘0’ dimension in the above diagram join together to create a first dimension object – a line.  Join two lines at both ends and you create a flat (2d) square. Join two squares and tada – you have a cube (3d).  What about the 4th dimension? Well if you think of the characteristics inherent in every object you have length, width, height and change. As you sit infront of the computer – the state of the atoms in the world around you – are constantly changing – moving, vibrating or radiating at different rates. Time is the measurement of change in a given object or system. If you could percieve the full perspective of the fourth dimension – you could see every point that an object has existed and changed from its first planck second to its ultimate planck second of ceasing to exist – that is – when the matter has decompressed into energy and been completely destroyed – not just changed states.

Take into account here that matter – the hard stuff that you, me and everyone and everything is made from – is just densely compressed energy…and so in perceiving the full fourth dimension – you would see that the entire universe is created from basically you would be consiously aware of every atom you can see – its current measurements in height, length, width and change.

So looking at a collegue I can see every state he has ever been and will become right until the end of the universe – until our 11 total dimensions collapse in on themselves and the universe ‘bursts’ or ‘collapses’.

This says to me – that the entire future of the universe and its entire contents are completely predictable and inherently predetermined.

You might be thinking – ”A here, fuck off would  ye? I make my own decisions” well not really- You don’t at all. Its all just a big chain of dominos.


You wake up this morning. You have three choices – look at the clock – lie there a little longer – get up straight away. Now every one of those choices and any other you can think of – is purely a reaction. You might look at the clock to make sure you don’t miss work, school, college etc you might already know you don’t have any morning appointments so you might lie there a little longer, you may not feel well or that you have slept enough either – or you may feel you’ve reseted enough and your hungry, or you need the toilet – either way – its all decided already.

Because of past events the future is just a change of state based on the reaction of the last event and everything in your life will always happen because of a past event – everything is a reaction to a cause which in itself is a reaction to a previous cause.

It all started with A, A begot B and B begot C etc and eventually that single event begot the entire rest of the universe.

So if our brains could perceive the fourth dimension we technically could read minds, understand the universe on a greater scale as well as understand our purpose in the universe.

What I want though is – to be able to step outside reality – into my own pocket reality – where time runs at a relative rate of 1 second in this reality to 1 year in my private one. This would give me all the time I need to understand everything I want to know.

Imagine – just with a thought – you could pause reality and step into your parallel reality where time runs at a sloth’s pace – run to the library in Trinity College and read up on everything you need to satisfy your current curiousity – or during work – pop into my reality for a nap and sleep for a few hours(my time) and be back before people even notice I’ve gone.

In the mean time – until we understand how to create traverse-able worm holes into our own pocket universes with time dilation – sit tight and enjoy the moment!

Just a thought 🙂

June 28, 2010 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, My Life, Philosophy | 3 Comments

Interesting Thought #3: To be or not to be? That is the question..

In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, he writes a speech to be read out by the character of Hamlet.

It opens with: …To be or not to be…

This is supposedly about two following plot hooks, to be avenged and to be dead.
I’m going to take that phrase and apply it to the interpretation of ‘to be dead’.

Now what this brings to me is the thoughts of our own existence and what it really means ‘to be’.

When I think of existing, I think of being aware of myself, my thoughts and the passage of time, to be aware of the external world and that I and *it are operating within two different realities, that is to say I perceive my mind and my thoughts, that infinite space between my ears – that can contain universes of its own – is some metaphysical dimension. Science however reminds me that my mind is just a by product of numerous chemical reactions constantly acting and reacting forming brain function.

I know I can see because when I look at the table in front of me – I see a remote control, I perceive the patterns of buttons and can see the difference in height between the buttons and the plastic case of the remote…I can verify that what I’m seeing is there because I can reach out and touch it, feeling the gaps I see between the buttons, I can bang it off the table and feel the resistance it gives and hear the noise of the two objects colliding.

So all of this data I can perceive and this should be enough to verify its existence as an inanimate object.
But how do I know I’m not only feeling, seeing and hearing it because I expect to – or I am being tricked into perceiving it?
If we look at the oh-so-common brain in a vat scenario we can see that this idea of solipsism* is quite possible and it is impossible to verify.

Your brain receives all of its feedback about the world and the body through nerve cells. These are basically like domino sending messages to the brain via a chain-reaction/domino-effect to the brain. They can be simulated with electrical impulses and stimulation. So taking that you use your nervous system to perceive and feel anything and everything – you can see here how it can be tricked quite easily.

I take your brain from your body and I sever the spinal cord. I submerge it in brain-nutriants which feed it everything it needs to function energy/oxygen and waste removal etc.

Now I attach to each never ending in the spinal cord – a small electrode the size of a 100th of a hair’s width. Through these electrodes I can send and receive signals to the brain just as the body did.

I attach it to this giant super computer that is powerful enough to manage all the connections in infinite variations.

Now – I that brain can live a perfectly conscious life. The supercomputer only needs to compute and simulate what the brain would expect to perceive So right now the rest of the world, the shop around the corner, my friend, my mother up in bed and my own bed aren’t within the perception of any of my senses. I can’t see, hear, taste, feel or smell them. So this supercomputer wouldn’t need to use CPU power to simulate those objects or areas.

This means an easier job for the computer. It also means that you can never prove this theory purely because if you have discovered a flaw in the system – it can easily just erase your memory and experience of the flaw – and have a do-over…At any point it chooses.

For example you have no way of proving that you have been existing for as long as you think you have. I remember the last 20 years of my life – I remember what I did yesterday. I remember that guy on the bus who reads the paper too close to his face and that other guy who does sudoku everyday.

But what if none of that ever happened and this computer has just generated these false memories just a moment ago. How could I ever question my existence if I can’t step outside our reality to view it externally from a higher level or reality.

So this brings me to the point – does anything really exist?

How can you tell? How do YOU exist. Where is your mind? I mean that in the sense of its physical location – this infinite space that can hold infinite amounts of data.

I think the human mind is purely just a side effect of the chemical reactions. But if that’s true – why am I me? Why was I born and why not someone else – I find the idea of a spiritual self or a soul to be illogical and impractical. I don’t believe in it one bit.

The way I see it the entire universe is a logical system with rules and structure – and if things can’t be explained or defined in mathematical terms or demonstrated in a logical manner – then it can’t be real.

How can something be real if it doesn’t make logical sense. How are souls logical? God isn’t even a logical concept. If god were to exist – he would need to exist outside our reality – this means he is illogical. Because logic is a part of our reality – its an internal concept or mechanic to enable the universe to work according to the rules. But the universe must exist within something else – within a higher reality that must abide by different rules under a different system of logic.

This would say to me that whatever god is – whether its a sentient being or a self aware being, a type of energy or matter, or if he is just our minds way of tying the concept of existence and attaching a purpose to it.

But that being said – this god cannot be good or evil – there can’t be a heaven or hell and there can’t be half of the things he/she claims to be.

For one – emotion is a chemical reaction – we can observe it. Morals and emotions are closely tied. Our morals are our emotional reaction to a decision or event in our lives and govern how we handle abstract situations that are outside the realms of instinct or provide understanding of the implications of taking action based on our instinct.

That being said – it seems you require a physical body to feel emotion you also need to have neurons reacting in a neural network for emotions to exist in a chemical state and a state of consciousness to exist on a mental level.

Since this god would exist outside our universe he cannot possess the traits designed and based within a universe with separate rules and logic.

This indicates that heaven and hell cannot exist simply because they are based on moral decision which is a feature of emotion and since we have already agreed that god is not a creature of morals – he therefore doesn’t love you nor does he care to judge you any more than you would judge an ant.

This sets the idea of religion to be plainly obvious – a control for society – but we kinda figured it out already!

You can easily compare the life time of Humans as a race – to that of the stages of human development.

We started off with basic skills and ability and explorers the world around us – just as babies do. Then we started to learn to use tools and to create – just as toddlers do – we then became overly proud of our industrial achievements and our advancements with knowledge – just as a prepubescent does – then we move on to leaving traditional values and doing what the worlds leaders and organizations tell us, forming our own opinions of the world, gaining independence from our dependants, losing faith in religion and politics, just as teenagers we start to find an identity – or – our place in the world they move away from authority when it fails to explain their curiosities and expectations.

This leaves our next step to be into adulthood we’re we understand our responsibilities as an entity in the universe – only know starting to grasp the fine, complicated knowledge of the cosmos and we start to find out our role in this big giant chemical reaction that is our universe.

So what is our consciousness? What are we? In my opinion as you’ve just read – we are the flame that jumps to life when you strike the match…and just like the flame hops into existence, we do our dance and then fade away leaving only evidence of our short existence in the scorch mark-events of our lives.

Anyway – good night 🙂

June 23, 2010 Posted by | General, Interesting Thoughts, Philosophy | , , , , | 4 Comments

Interesting Thought #2

Right so I have thought about this quite a bit and while the idea seems quite pessimistic I can’t for the life of me determine an alternate line of thought in the matter.

We get into relationships – usually – atleast a handful throughout our lives. Now – tell me – IF the man or woman you get with now – you don’t figure you will end up marrying – then why would you get with them knowing that one day you will have to hurt them or be hurt…

So why do people get in long, deep relationships if when the end comes – which it most certainly will – even if you marry – 60% of all first marrages end in divorce – and if you don’t marry – then you will end up breaking up – which means that your break up with this person – is forseeable even before you meet the person. For example I know that the next girlfriend I have – if I don’t intend to marry her – which I don’t – then I know that I will end up breaking up with her – or she will break up with me – either way – I know the next girl I go out with – will end up hurt and/or me too.

So why get in these relationships that are destined to be be doomed? My last girlfriend – I know that if we had stayed together a lot longer – say three or four years later – I would have expected to marry her, but I sabotaged that relationship – for reasons that weren’t in my control.

Anyways – so now while I contemplate my future relationships – I wonder will the girl I get with next be the possible Mrs.Awesome? I don’t think so – possible yes – probable no. Not that she isn’t a wife-type – but because I don’t know who she is – and well the ratio for girlfriends who you would marry seems to be quite low – for me at this stage is 1:15 atleast…so probability stands between me and my future wife…

Although since I do want to marry in teh future – I am curious as to what my future wife is currently doing – or were she lives….Or what her name is! She must be alive – thats the interesting thing – but were is she – is the even more intriguing thing. Well – maybe I won’t get married – maybe I’ll die before that – road accidents, heart attacks – interpersonal attacks – meh the possibilites are infinite – but the MAIN point is – why do we engage in multiple relationships over our life times if we know they will end in pain?

Whats to gain? Why not just stay with the one person?  I understand people can be wrong for eachother – that happens but in relationships were people break up for no real apparent reason other than external stressors?

Meh, just a thought…

March 25, 2010 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, My Life, Psychology | Leave a comment

Interesting Thought #1

Just after having a converstation with a co-

See, Politicians ARE Psychics!

Obama Mind Trick "Yes...We....Cannn..."

worker about people with Psychic Abilities…

I figured I would write an entry with my opinion on the matter.

If they exist why isn’t there proof?

Put it plain and simple -> out of ALL the people on the planet who claim to have abilities relating to Psychic Ability, how is it that none of them are able to tell me the winning Lottery numbers – or better yet – Win it themselves…

If Psychics were to exist – they would hold Political Positions and other High Powered positions simply because they have the edge. They can perceive future events in peoples lives – apparently – why not be able to determine who will be running for Election next year and what will their campaign be…or…where are all the missing children in the world gone ?

Take for example – Madeline McCann, the young girl allegedly abducted in the Algrave, Portugal several years ago. There is no good reason on the planet that any supposed ‘Psychic’ isn’t able to find her or even track her…does the abducter have Anti-Psychic Shielding or something? Seriously -> I just realised that is enough evidence to say to me that Psychics are fakes. If I had the ability to communicate with the spirit world or to read people’s minds or see into the future or past to retrieve information such as the location of a lost child, I think I could take a few hours out of Winning the Lotto and driving the bookies nuts – to locate a few kids for some very-now- broken families – and to put the sick SOBs responsible behind bars.


Just thought I’d throw this up on my blog 🙂


March 24, 2010 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, Politics, Psychology, Science | 4 Comments