Thoughts Over Time

Life, Science and Everything Else!

Osama Bin Liberty – Wer dd allz teh Humanz Ritez goezzz?

So tell me, why do we have the International Criminal Court? As far as I’ve been informed it was put in place to deal with war criminals and crimes against humanity. Last time I checked my dictionary – terrorism was a crime against humanity and in the case of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladin’s terrorist dealings – this is exactly the type of thing they should have been dealing with. Not to mention the violation of human rights. Now, before I continue – I’d liek to state I don’t condone terrorism nor support Al Qaeda in any shape or form, but I do support and believe in human rights. Regardless of his actions – Osama Bin Ladin was a human. He had a very warped and screwed up perception and world view – but none the less – he still had all the same rights as you me and everyone else. There is no clause in United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)[ that states a person can lose their rights if they commit crimes of any calibre.

So why is it – that we make exceptions to the rule and just straight out murder him? Say what you will – but I’m damn sure the USA is far more equiped to deal with the scenario that unfolded at Osama’s compound back in May. So its either down to a “kill on sight” order – or a serious lack of training in the Navy SEALS. I have a lot of respect for military personel, but it doesn’t mean I think they are trained to be the status of Elite if they have jumpy trigger fingers. Now, I’m not saying I can think of anyone who would be better – I’m just saying that the government in America needs to grow a pair of balls and just admit they fucked up. Sure they killed Osama and some of his associates that day, I can’t say it was a bad thing for the world – but it still was a breach of human rights as well as a major punch in the balls to the ICC’s purpose of existance. We brought the Nazi’s to trial? They affected and murdered millions of more people and commited one of the largest attrocities in our human history. He wasn’t exactly a threat, he as one man, is not a threat to anyone, no more than any other elderly person with kidney issues. Sure his ideals and his influences had the potential to do unforseen levels of damage – and we saw a very good example of his crimes with the attack on US soil on September 11th 2001, but it still stands to reason that the only way a concept like Human Rights can work, is if we adhere to our commitment to it and uphold it even when the masses say otherwise. Elsewise it just becomes an buerocractic tool to let politics slide when they wish and then enforce it with extreme prejudice when it suits. It seems to me that this world has gotten the fucked up idea that only innocent people have Human Rights. Now Osama is only an example of this breach, many people everyday have their Rights infringed upon. Regardless of their gender, race, political or religious affiliations – it happens on a daily basis. It doesn’t make it any more okay just because ‘everyone does it’. It makes it more worrying to the point that we are past the stage of just letting minor things slide – but now we are starting to see this double standard come out all the time.

Anyone who becomes a public enemy these days automatically is subscribed to a different set of Human Rights. Funny enough though everyone seems to be aware of this big fucking elephant in the room – but nobody will point it out. Its a sad world when you look at the news and see an entire city celebrating the death of a human. Just because the person did a lot of harm and caused a lot of pain doesn’t mean you should celebrate his death. Regardless the person – regardless if them being dead is a better thing for humanity, what is wrong with everyone that they can’t just be happy that their friends, relatives, co-workers etc – have been avenged. You can be content with something without having a street rave. Imagine how the World’s reaction would go if it were the opposite. Let’s say the US President was attacked and killed and on the TV we see the Al Qaeda supporters cheering and celebrating. It would fuel our anger of our loss. We would complain and kick and whinge about it. But this is all looking at events from an impartial perspective. I personally feel the world is a marginally safer world now he is gone, but personally I would just prefer if they worked things out in a democratic method and things worked with more understanding and compassion rather than motivated by greed and reputation.

The political systems of the world are flawed for one pure reason. They are all built and maintained with methods that rely to much on social exchange, image, status and wealth. So until people stop doing political favors for eachother, (vote rigging, bribes, intimidation and black mail etc) , we are doomed to live in a world where the only god that truly exists is wealth and the devil is poverty.

A few clarifications: This essay was written from a neutral perspective of the big picture. You may not agree with what I say and have other ideas and perspectives, thats fine, enjoy them, but do not take anything I have said here as insult or compliment towards any of the parties I have discussed such as the UN, USA, Europe,Islam,Al Qaeda or The US Military. The opinions in this article do not reflect that of the author (me). I encourage comments and discussions but I do not encourage trolls nor entertain their comments. Thanks for reading 😉


June 12, 2011 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, Politics | Leave a comment

Interesting Thought #1

Just after having a converstation with a co-

See, Politicians ARE Psychics!

Obama Mind Trick "Yes...We....Cannn..."

worker about people with Psychic Abilities…

I figured I would write an entry with my opinion on the matter.

If they exist why isn’t there proof?

Put it plain and simple -> out of ALL the people on the planet who claim to have abilities relating to Psychic Ability, how is it that none of them are able to tell me the winning Lottery numbers – or better yet – Win it themselves…

If Psychics were to exist – they would hold Political Positions and other High Powered positions simply because they have the edge. They can perceive future events in peoples lives – apparently – why not be able to determine who will be running for Election next year and what will their campaign be…or…where are all the missing children in the world gone ?

Take for example – Madeline McCann, the young girl allegedly abducted in the Algrave, Portugal several years ago. There is no good reason on the planet that any supposed ‘Psychic’ isn’t able to find her or even track her…does the abducter have Anti-Psychic Shielding or something? Seriously -> I just realised that is enough evidence to say to me that Psychics are fakes. If I had the ability to communicate with the spirit world or to read people’s minds or see into the future or past to retrieve information such as the location of a lost child, I think I could take a few hours out of Winning the Lotto and driving the bookies nuts – to locate a few kids for some very-now- broken families – and to put the sick SOBs responsible behind bars.


Just thought I’d throw this up on my blog 🙂


March 24, 2010 Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, Politics, Psychology, Science | 4 Comments