Thoughts Over Time

Life, Science and Everything Else!

Interesting Thought #4: Is the Future and Past – Just an illusion?

Okay – so I’ve been thinking. A lot 🙂 My life, your life and the existence of EVERYTHING!

A lot of people feel they have a choice in life. They sit there most of their time thought – regretting the bad choices they made and spending months in some cases, trying to place the blame to shed their guilt – or even just a couple of hours trying to understand a recent event and how they could have done things differently.

Why? Is it one of the problems with consciousness and higher thought? I think its actually just a matter of perception. We are always in a state of trying to think a head – out think ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’. We constantly analyse the past looking to find every error we made so we don’t make the same one again. In reality though – we are back logged. We make so many mistakes so frequently that we don’t have enough time to reconsider them. Plus we go through so many different scenarios in our mind of how the one event could have played out.

If we could see the future though, a definite future, would we be any happier? The temptation to look is too strong – since we all want that bit of control over our lives so saying ”I’ll only look when I need to look but that’s bullshit.

I know if I could see my definite future – I’d be looking to it as much as I look at the past. I spend hours of my day – at least half of my waking hours are spent thinking of everything that comes to mind that is half interesting.

Things I Think About

  • The location and composure of the human mind.
  • The size of the universe and what possible other life forms could exist besides carbon-based (every life form of earth is carbon based)
  • How humans could evolve and how they could have evolved differently
  • Alternate ways society could develop
  • Z-Day (Zombie Apocolypse)
  • When I cross the road I like to imagine I have telekinesis or mind control in case a driver might hit me – not a delusional thing just day dreaming
  • Martial Arts and the physics behind it – nerve strikes and grappling etc.
  • Past Relationships
  • Future Relationships
  • Who my possible wife might be and what she is currently doing and where she is in the world
  • Batman
  • Personal Life Events in the past
  • Friendships and Relationships and how things are going and possibly play out in current events
  • The Future – Technology, Society, Religion and Evolution
  • Alien Life
  • Existence and God
  • Batman

So as you can see my head – like most peoples – is running through thousands of thoughts per hour concocting various simulated scenarios and thinking of endless possibilities.

So the past is pretty obvious – as far as we know we can verify it has happened – that is – outside the belief of solipsism – and the future seems to be pretty much set in stone.

Humans can perceive 3½ dimensions. Length, Height and Width.

Taken from Wikipedia

This is a graphic example of the four spatial dimensions

Now if we consider what a dimension is and what the fourth dimension represents – we can say that a dimension is a physical location on a single plane in space-time. How is time a dimension like length or height or width? Simple really.

Well Maybe 🙂

Each lower dimension will make up the dimension previous to it. As you can see two objects in the ‘0’ dimension in the above diagram join together to create a first dimension object – a line.  Join two lines at both ends and you create a flat (2d) square. Join two squares and tada – you have a cube (3d).  What about the 4th dimension? Well if you think of the characteristics inherent in every object you have length, width, height and change. As you sit infront of the computer – the state of the atoms in the world around you – are constantly changing – moving, vibrating or radiating at different rates. Time is the measurement of change in a given object or system. If you could percieve the full perspective of the fourth dimension – you could see every point that an object has existed and changed from its first planck second to its ultimate planck second of ceasing to exist – that is – when the matter has decompressed into energy and been completely destroyed – not just changed states.

Take into account here that matter – the hard stuff that you, me and everyone and everything is made from – is just densely compressed energy…and so in perceiving the full fourth dimension – you would see that the entire universe is created from basically you would be consiously aware of every atom you can see – its current measurements in height, length, width and change.

So looking at a collegue I can see every state he has ever been and will become right until the end of the universe – until our 11 total dimensions collapse in on themselves and the universe ‘bursts’ or ‘collapses’.

This says to me – that the entire future of the universe and its entire contents are completely predictable and inherently predetermined.

You might be thinking – ”A here, fuck off would  ye? I make my own decisions” well not really- You don’t at all. Its all just a big chain of dominos.


You wake up this morning. You have three choices – look at the clock – lie there a little longer – get up straight away. Now every one of those choices and any other you can think of – is purely a reaction. You might look at the clock to make sure you don’t miss work, school, college etc you might already know you don’t have any morning appointments so you might lie there a little longer, you may not feel well or that you have slept enough either – or you may feel you’ve reseted enough and your hungry, or you need the toilet – either way – its all decided already.

Because of past events the future is just a change of state based on the reaction of the last event and everything in your life will always happen because of a past event – everything is a reaction to a cause which in itself is a reaction to a previous cause.

It all started with A, A begot B and B begot C etc and eventually that single event begot the entire rest of the universe.

So if our brains could perceive the fourth dimension we technically could read minds, understand the universe on a greater scale as well as understand our purpose in the universe.

What I want though is – to be able to step outside reality – into my own pocket reality – where time runs at a relative rate of 1 second in this reality to 1 year in my private one. This would give me all the time I need to understand everything I want to know.

Imagine – just with a thought – you could pause reality and step into your parallel reality where time runs at a sloth’s pace – run to the library in Trinity College and read up on everything you need to satisfy your current curiousity – or during work – pop into my reality for a nap and sleep for a few hours(my time) and be back before people even notice I’ve gone.

In the mean time – until we understand how to create traverse-able worm holes into our own pocket universes with time dilation – sit tight and enjoy the moment!

Just a thought 🙂

June 28, 2010 - Posted by | Interesting Thoughts, My Life, Philosophy


  1. This just totally blew my mind..
    And, what you’ve surmised makes complete sense!

    Awesome read.

    Comment by Parashar Banerjee | June 29, 2010 | Reply

  2. obviously your only choice should be get up *NOW* chances are your late 🙂

    Comment by em | June 30, 2010 | Reply

    • thats you’re not your… *ahem*

      Comment by em | June 30, 2010 | Reply

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